Actually dah lama berangan nak beli rumah sendiri since last year. Tapi 2007 berlalu macam tu saja, nothing happened. This year, me n hubby dah simpan new resolution that tahun ni mesti beli rumah. Now, its towards the end of the year already, so both me n hubby sibuk cari rumah kat property website and did contact few agent. Both me n hubby wanted to get landed property, tak kisah la, single ke, double ke janji ada tanah. So sick staying in an apartment n every month have to pay expnesive rental. Betul jugak kata orang, kalau sewa bayar mahal2 pun tak guna bukan jadi hak kita, tapi kalau beli sendiri rumah kecik pun tak kisah, penat bayar berbaloi jadi hak sendiri. And this saturday, we have appointment with another agent to view few houses at this area. Hopefully, can get one which suit our taste and the most important thing is cannot excede our budget.
5 years ago
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