Here I start my 1st entry at this newly created blog. This photo was taken on the 1st day of puasa we went out for ifthar. Alhamdulillah selamat menghabiskan sehari berpuasa. Cuaca hujan seakan memahami. Adam pun tak buat hal sangat kat rumah. Dalam pukul 5 ptg mcm tu I suggested to my hubby that I nak berbuka kat luar (Actually klu x buka kat luar pun mmg selalu beli kat bazar coz I hardly cook). He said ok n we decided to have buffet at Shogun. Around 6 we left home and reach OU about 6.20. Still early. What else layan Adam la. Budak ni agaknya mmg pantang keluar, terus out of control. Since my hubby said tak payah bawak pram, apa lagi "merdeka" la, lari tak ingat. Dah x larat we went inside the restaurant and fed him first. We were there 4 almost 2 hours n terus balik rumah coz Adam dah buat hal, dia nak lari keluar je.
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