Hari ni sepatutnya nak pegi beli segala kipas, lampu2, aircond and etc. Tapi tak jadi atas sebab2 yang tidak dapat dielakkan. So lepas asar, keluar gi Denai Alam nak tengok kerja2 renovation. Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. Bricks fencing kat backyard dah 70% siap. Tinggal nak touch-up sikit2 and cat dinding. Bahagian dalam pulak, kerja2 plaster ceiling pun dah mula. Mungkin next week monday or tuesday siap la dengan pasang lights sekali. Dapur pulak, baru buat table top. Banyak lagi kerja2 lain termasuk wet and dry kitchen cabinet. Overall agak puas hati dengan kerja contractor ni. Selesai tengok rumah, terus gi dinner kat William and balik rumah.
5 years ago
bestnya renovate rumah! mesti tak sabar tunggu siap kan
rasa xcited jugak coz its one of the memory with our beloved son. but sedih jugak coz he's no longer with us.
ermmm....sorry to ask, what happened to your son? i can't find the story in here...
apa2 pun, harap you tabah ye
My son passed away last January coz of blood poisoning. I dont blog on what happened to him directly coz it will make me sad. Some more i still can feel that he's always with me. My son is 3 years n 2 1/2 months. How old is your boy?
1.5 years. sorry about ur son. i'm sure he's praying for u up thre, insyaAllah.
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