Saturday, August 15, 2009

Outing with my gorgeous frens

Went out with all the ladies - Aida, Nurul, Ale & Syida. Actually, this time nak jumpa ngan Aida sebelum bertolak ke tanah suci menunaikan umrah on 23rd ni. Our meeting was at 11.00am at Mid Valley. 1st stop pegi beli ticket cite The Proposal. While waiting for the movie at 1.45pm, went for lunch at Nando's. Waiting for Syida and terus naik ke cinema. Really enjoy the movie. After that jln2 lagi ke Gardens. Menjamu mata and Ale belanja makan New Zealand Natural . Habis makan kat situ, we all jln2 lagi pegi makan kat Pizza Hut pulak. Balik rumah almost 7pm. Syok jln2, sebab semua cuti, kalau tak kelam kabut sikit coz nak kejar masa balik office.

The ladies
Myself n the ladies
Ale n Oyun
Me n Aida
Aida n Syida

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I need a wardrobe, tv cabinet & shoe rack

Mr. Hubby's architect cousin got his fren to design for us a built-in wardrobe for 3 out of our 4 bedrooms, tv cabinet & built-in shoe cabinet. I don't know whether its expensive or not. So far the contractor that we engaged for our house renovation has yet to come out with their design and quotation for the same. We just checked the wardrobe at furniture shop and the price range is about 4k to 8k. The thing is that the ready made is only 8 ft height but we wanted to get a full height one. Decision...decision...decision...

Master Bedroom

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3

Family Hall

Built-in Shoe Rack


So many things to do, So many stuffs to buy, So many decisions to make. All about TIME & MONEY...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dude And The Duchess

On the way balik keje tadi singgah jap kat Bangsar Village. Nak ke sini actually. Nak tengokkan kasut for my fren Suhaili. Unfortunately they dont carry shoes in the outlet. Just jual clothing shj. So, to my fren Suhaili, you have to go online la.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As at 4th August 2009

Grill sudah dipasang

My kitchen table top dah siap sket.

Bricks Fencing 95% completed... ingat nak tukar colour lain kot.

Plaster ceiling dah siap. Tinggal nak drill hole for downline lights je. Pastu dah ready.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saya Lega

Hari ni program berjalan dengan lancar. Pagi2 lagi terus ke Denai Alam nak bayar deposit kontraktor. Pastu terus gi cari lampu and kipas for the whole house. Alhamdulillah managed to find one shop yang offer good price, at least compared to few shops yang we all dah survey. Dah malas nak cari2 lagi. As for today we spent about 2k for all the lights and fan. Semuanya dah complete. Maybe have to spend sikit lagi la untuk upah pasang. Tapi yang itu later2 la pikir pasal kosnya. Yang penting setakat ini, barang2 semua dah beli. Cuma tinggal air-cond and water heater je. Harap2 proses renovation berjalan lancar dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Both me and Mr. Hubby sudah mampu tersenyum. Akan lebih gembira kalau Adam masih ada. Apa2 pun janji dengan Adam akan ditunaikan.

Selesai hal rumah, terus ke E@Curve nak tengok "The Taking Of Pelham 123". On the way singgah kat one of the stalls kat Kampung Melayu Subang for lunch. We had mee goreng, kueh teow goreng and laksa. Dah lapar sangat. Sampai E@Curve lebih kurang jam 4.30 and managed dapatkan tiket jam 6.30pm. Sambil2 tunggu pekena dulu McDonalds kat bawah. Overall saya suka this movie but Mr. Hubby said it's boring. Masing2 punya taste la kan. Maybe this movie tak setanding John Q (for me la) but Denzel is always my favorite.

Barang2 yang dibeli

My Ice Tea

Mr. Hubby's air kelapa (Actually ordered ABC tapi yang datangnya ini, tak faham betul. Sib baik sedap)

My laksa

My Kueh Teow Goreng

Mr. Hubby's Mee Goreng

While waiting for the movie

The Taking Of Pelham 123 @ 6.30pm

While watching the movie

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just An Update

Hari ni sepatutnya nak pegi beli segala kipas, lampu2, aircond and etc. Tapi tak jadi atas sebab2 yang tidak dapat dielakkan. So lepas asar, keluar gi Denai Alam nak tengok kerja2 renovation. Alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar. Bricks fencing kat backyard dah 70% siap. Tinggal nak touch-up sikit2 and cat dinding. Bahagian dalam pulak, kerja2 plaster ceiling pun dah mula. Mungkin next week monday or tuesday siap la dengan pasang lights sekali. Dapur pulak, baru buat table top. Banyak lagi kerja2 lain termasuk wet and dry kitchen cabinet. Overall agak puas hati dengan kerja contractor ni. Selesai tengok rumah, terus gi dinner kat William and balik rumah.

Man of the day!

Plaster ceiling on progress

Table top for my wet kitchen

The bricks fencing

Another side of bricks fencing

Our Watermelon Juice and Ribena Longan

My Mee Raja & Ayam

Mr. Hubby's Nasi Goreng Ketam

Saya perlukan hiburan...

Nak shopping? Sah2 tak boleh. Kalau setakat nak beli groceries tu ok la tapi shopping 'barang2 kegemaran' sudah tidak boleh at this moment. Tumpuan harus diberikan kepada our new pad. Movie pulak, dah lama tak tengok since Transformers few weeks ago. Rasa nak tengok "The Taking Of Pelham 123". So far dengar +ve comment. Denzel will never make his fan frustrated rite? Tengok la, after settle semua benda2 yang perlu & kalau ada masa akan ke cinema untuk menonton this movie.

Malam Minggu

Petang tadi lepas balik keje rasa sakit2 badan. Mr. Hubby pun sama jugak. So, both of us decided nak gi massage kat Urban Retreat. Called them and booked for 9.15 session for one hour. Went there after Maghrib. Jalan sesak bagai. Maybe coz ada Squash @ Curve kot. Dari rumah jam 8.15 dekat jam 9.00 baru sampai. Biasanya dalam 10 minit dah boleh sampai. Selesai massage terus balik ke KD coz nak jumpa Nurul, Nasim and Shida. Derang ada meeting kat PJU5 Dataran Sunway, near my house je. Singgah kejap kat Pappa Rich minum2, borak2 kejap and terus balik rumah. Tomorrow ada banyak benda yang perlu diselesaikan.

Mr. Hubby yang mengantuk after the session

Kembalikan tenaga

One of the 'tokeh'

The 'tokeh' & Me

Ginger drink, they said its good for body and blood circulation after massage, but both me and Mr. Hubby can't stand the taste.

3 of us...

... at Pappa Rich Kopitiam