We are ready! Posed kejap kat balcony. Actually our room was at 2nd floor and next to my fren's room. Our room pun ok2 je la. But its Garden Villa santek sangat (bak kata Yaya, my fren's daughter). Maybe we have to pay extra kot kalau nak stay kat the Garden Villa. Hehehe...

Before gi tour we all breakfast dulu. Makan pun bese2 je. Tak kisah la kan, janji ada benda nak makan. Buatnya tak halal, mau meraung. Its cafe facing the Kuta Beach, public beach yang penuh dengan ramai orang. Memang byk surfers kat sana. Tengok2 dari jauh je la. Nak surf memang tak pandai. Tapi klu boleh pun memang tak cukup masa nak gi Kuta Beach. Padahal opposite hotel je, tp sampai last day kat sana tak jejak kaki langsung kat pasir pantai tu.

Our 1st day tour started with
Batubulan which famous for its
Barong and Kris Dance i.e a sacred dance representing the eternal fight between good and evil. We sat at the so called '
Pavillion' yang packed and agak panas.
The story goes like this:-
"The dance starts with music over tone"

"Followed by his friend the monkey, the tiger comes up. Three masked - dancers appear representing men making palmwine in the forest,
whose child is killed by the tiger.
The three men get angry and attack the tiger which is helped by the monkey.
During the fight the nose of one of the three men is bitten off."
"Two girls - dancers appear representing the servants of the Rangda,
looking for the servants of Dewi Kunti who are on the way to meet
their Patih (Prime Minister)".

"The servants of Dewi Kunti come.
One of the servants of the Rangda changes into witch
enters both servants to make them angry.
They meet their Patih and go together to Dewi Kunti."
"Dewi Kunti and her son, Sadewa come up.
Dewi Kunti has promised the Rangda to sacrifice Sadewa.
A witch appears and enters Dewi Kunti.
She becomes angry and orders the Patih to bring Sadewa into the forest.
The Patih is also entered by the witch so he does not have pity on Sadewa.
Sadewa is then taken into a forest and tied up on a tree."
"Unknown by Rangda, Siwa, God appears and gives Sadewa immortality.
The Rangda appears ready to kill Sadewa and eats him but Sadewa is still alive.
She then surrendeds and asks him to redeem herself,
Sadewa agrees and kill the Rangda.
The Rangda goes into Heaven."
"One of the servants of the Rangda called Kalika comes up before Sadewa and asks him to redeem herself too. Sadewa refuses. Kalika got angry and change herself into a boar and fights Sadewa. The boar can be defeated. She then changes herself into a Rangda. Sadewa cannot kill heron. Such circumstances Sadewa meditates and then he changes himself into a Barong. Still the Rangda seems to be too powerful and the fight is unended.
Barong's followers appear and help him fight the Rangda."
The End.
(The story was taken from the brochure provided to the tourists)
After the show, we proceeded to the famous village of Celuk which is known for its gold and silver smiths. Here, we visited
Sri Sunari Emas & Perak. Just tengok2. Takde beli apa2 pun kat sini.

Our next destination was
Ubud which is known as Home of Bali's famous artist. Singgah kat
I Wayan Arnama Lukisan. Banyak sgt paintings kat sini. Murah2, but still we all bargain sampai the lowest price.

Habih shoping2 beli paintings, we all pegi kejap tengok woodcarvers kat
Pusat Kerajinan area
Mas. Kat sini banyak ukiran2 kayu, dari patung sampai la ke furniture rumah. Banyak untuk dijamu mata. Souvenir lain pun banyak jugak, tp quite expensive. Kat sini pun tak beli ape2. Stop kejap je coz perut dah lapar and we were supposed to go to Kintamani for our lunch.
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