Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 Idiots

Enjoy watching this movie. It's all about life and friendship.
- All Is Well -

Its already a week

Hari ni genap one week after my surgery. Yesterday went to hospital to remove the plastic cone inside my nostril and all the 'things' inside. Feel better coz now i can breath thru my nose. But i'm not 100% recovered. Still kena pantang. Only restrict myself to soft food and cold drinks and will be on MC until June 23rd.Orange and Apple juices
Yogurt Ice Cream
Leftover Medicines
(most of it are the cleansing products to keep my nostril and throat clean all the time)

Flowers & Plants

Wanna see flowers & plants inside my crib? Excuse the arrangement ya!

Yup, I love WHITE & GREEN

Monday, June 14, 2010


Terima kasih datang melawat saya. Semoga saya cepat sembuh and boleh keluar jalan2, makan2 and shopping2!
Saya yang tidak sihat
Nurul, Alang & SyidaNazri & NasimAlang's MIL/Nazri's Mom

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Day I Went For Surgery

This is 2nd time buat surgery. 1st time c-sec waktu deliver Adam 4 years ago. This time pulak i'm going for Laser Assisted Tonsillectomy & Laser Assisted Exicision of Turbinate of Nose and Bilateral & Septhorhinoplasty Plus. Admitted on 08.06.2010 at Tropicana Medical Centre.
The Surgeon
On the way to OT
My auntie happened to be on duty at the OT on that day
Kesian Mr Hubby, penat tunggu for almost 3 hours
Tadaaaa!!!! me after surgery