Went to Presint 8 Putrajaya for wedding invitation. It's Mr. Hub's fren Qairil a.k.a. Panda and his soulmate Puteri. Selamat Pengantin Baru. Semoga berkekalan ke akhir hayat.
Psycho kan???? Just got back from DSH. Appointment with my gynea. The answer is NO. Belum lagi kot. Actually I've been trying to conceive since I lost Adam. Mungkin belum rezeki. Whatever it is I'm glad to have Adam even just for a shortwhile. He is the best gift I've ever had in my life. I LOVE YOU SON!
Semalam tengok cite ni with Mr. Hubby. We are so lucky coz ngam2 sampai kat Cineleisure dalam dalam kul6.45pm slot 7.45pm still ada seat 4th row dari atas. Tickets for all slot almost sold out tak pun selling fast dengan seat yang betul2 depan screen and Platinum memang confirm semua sold out. So, we just grab the ticket. Enjoy the robotic action and i'm looking forward for another sequel.
Semalam dinner kat sini with Mr. Hubby, SIL and BILs. Baru first time kat sini. The view ok la. Food pulak bese2 je. We ordered Siakap 3 Rasa, TomYam Campur, Udang + Sotong Tepung, Kangkung Belacan (all for 2), Water Melon Juice, Honey Dew Juice, Durian Belanda Juice, Hot Lime and Teh O Ais, semua sekali RM95.40. Taking into consideration food yang x bape nak sedap dengan price yang macam tu kira mahal la coz we had something better than this at lower price.
Now is almost 2am. But i'm still here in front of my lappy. Had a short nap just now. Why la??? M sleepy but can't sleep. Nak buat keje office yang bawak balik rumah pun malas. Layan blog and FB kejap. Harap2 lepas ni boleh lelapkan mata.
We are supposed to go for theatre tonite, but Mr. Hubby's fren called n informed us that the show is actually on Sunday and not tonite. So, kira x jadi la but even tomorrow's nite oso we cant make it. So, for today we went out to visit our Dillenia's house. Nampak macam dah touch-up n dah takde comot2 lagi. There's oso a notice by MBSA that owners are not allowed to do any renovation to the house without their prior permission. It seems tt I need to write to them for just a small renovation (is it a renovation??? actually just to built a wall at the backyard). Whateva la. Now I know MBSA memang fussy, nak buat sikit2 pun still kena mintak permission.
On the way back, we stopped by at Fella Design. Ingat nak survey2 furniture, tapi mmg tak faham we reached there about 6pm and the sign shows tt it opens from 9am to 7pm. But waktu tu dah close. So frustrating, maybe next time la pulak.
Then we drove to The Curve. Mr. Hubby said nak lepak2. So, we stop n minum2 kejap kat Starbucks and about 9pm we went back home.
On the way
Just the 2 of us (Adam u are always in our heart wherever we go & whatever we do)
"Based on National Laureate Datuk Noordin Hassan’s book ‘Mana Setangginya’, this production has been described as a Malay ‘Lord of the Rings’. Set in a society with rigid rules and structures, the arrival of a stranger challenges the status quo and changes everything.
With a lot of references to both the Quran's verses and the Bible's scriptures, Mana Setangginya is an epic production with extravagant set decorations and designs.
Directed by Zaifri Husin, with the script written by Datuk Noordin Hassan (pic) himself, Mana Setangginya stars Sabrina Ali Dad Khan, Tony Eusoff, Azman Abu Bakar, Shaharuddin Thamby, Azizah Mahzan, and many other."
Will be watching this theatre tomorrow with Mr. Hubby, Nurul and Nasim. Not sure whether its good or not. But Mr. Hubby got free tickets for the show. Layan!
Time : 12 pm to 2pm Venue : Tony Roma's Pavillion Quorum : Puan Nurul, Puan Aida, Puan Nariza a.k.a. Alang, Cik Syida and nor forget Puan Fit (it's me) Purpose : Lunch
What happened???? Lets the pics talk:-)
The Venue
Nurul n Alang
Rakus atau apakah ini???
Syida, Nurul n Alang
Nurul & Syida
Aida & Me
Aida lagik;-)
Vege Soup
Bountiful Beef Ribs (Mine, order betul tp salah combination)
Boring sangat. Tiba2 teringat nak tgk foto2 cuti kat Bali. Sambil2 tengok terperasan satu benda yang saya ambik gambar tiap2 hari selama 4 hari kat Grand Istana Rama. Apa benda tu??? It's the deco at the hotel's lobby. It's not the giant ceramic pot but the flower inside. It's from various type of flowers. They change and create different images everyday. Tak tau la kalau ada rotation tapi 4 days kat situ memang tiap2 hari different.