We started our day with swimming yeah.... After that went for breakfast at the hotel. Today boleh lambat2 sket coz our tour guide akan datang jam 10am. Today jugak la I kena sakit perut, loya2 and muntah yang begitu teruk sekali. Waktu tu rasa macam tak mau pi mana2 pun coz terlalu sakit, nak jalan pun tak boleh. Thanks to Sal for ubat2 and alhamdulillah bila dah tengahari sakit semakin reda and dah boleh berjalan. Klu tak 3rd day tour ni memang tak dapat nak enjoy la.
Actually I tak pandai swim pun, main2 jeMr. Wayan drove us to the 1st destination i.e. Bedugul for its Mengwi Temple. This is the 2nd largest temple in Bali. Waktu ni I'm still sakit2. So, masuk je the temple compund I terus dok kat rest area coz terlalu sakit dan tak dapat nak berjalan. Only Sal and family yang jln2 masuk kat dalam.
Just the 2 of us
All of us
Breathtaking view of Lake Beratan and Gunung Beratan at the back
Sana SiniWe skipped our visit to Royal Temple of Taman Ayun and from Bedugul, we proceeded to Alas Keduton nak tengok monyet2 kat Monkey Forest. Tampat ni kecik je. Selain monyet2 kat sini ada kelawar. Yang manriknya kelawar2 ni memang 'hang'kan diri masing2 kat pokok di bawah cahaya matahari yang terik. Bukan satu dua, tp banyak sangat.
At the entrance to the Monkey Forest
The human, the monkey and the batNext, we went to the best known and most photograped temple in Bali i.e. Tanah Lot. The temple here symbolizes the meeting point of natural and cosmic elements. Its also famous for its magnificient sunset. Unfortunately, we were there at noon, so tak dapat la nak tengok sunset. Except for the wheather yang panas giler, I really love this place. Sungguh cantik ciptaan Tuhan.
Welcome to Tanah Lot!
Me and Hubby waiting for the wave
Me, Yaya and Sal
The upper part
The lower partKat Tanah Lot jugak ada pasar yang agak besar. Before balik jalan2 cari souvenir, dapat la beli fridge magnet. Kat pasar Tanah Lot tu ada 2 kedai je yang jual fridge magnet yang macam tu. In fact on the next day when we went to Pasar Sukawati the same fridge magnet memang takde. Kat airport ade la, but the price off course mahal.
Ni la fridge magnet yang susah nak jumpa sangat tuAfter Tanah Lot, lebih kurang jam 6 we all bertolak nak gi dinner kat Restoran Jali-Jali at Galleria Shopping Complex. Galleria ni tempat duty free. Macam2 branded item ada kat sini, tapi leceh sikit klu nak beli barang coz after bayar tak boleh bawak balik barang. Kena provide personal details and flight info to the cashier and they will sent the items straight away to airport. Before check in kena la collect. Takut jugak nak buat macam tu, kalau2 terlupa kan susah. On the way nak balik sempat lagik beli t-shirt kat Planet Hollywood Bali.
The restaurant and the food
Planet Hollywood Malam tu, lepas balik dari tour, mandi2 and tukar baju we all keluar gi jln2 kat Kuta Square. Its just a walking distance from our hotel. Dah nak balik KL tapi kaki pun tak jejak lagi kat Kuta. Nak gi waktu siang memang la tak sempat. So, malam tu kite gi lepak2 kat Starbucks, tengok2 barang kat Hard Rock Megastore and beli barang untuk diri sendiri kat Hard Rock Cafe Bali.
Pics taken on that nite